Our Consept

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Our Consept

【Company Idea and Visions】

We, Suzuki Enterprise Co., Ltd. (SEC) has been contributing to the cost saving of RC, Steel and Civil Engineering oriented products for a half century, mainly in the East Asia. And keep doing our best in providing both high security & quality and cost savings in the East Asian Civil Engineering and Infrastructures.

While, in Japan and other developing countries in Asia, facing with sharply decreasing of civil engineers/workers caused by the low birth ratio and population decline, it would be more difficult maintain of the given old and new infrastructures and construction structures. Therefore, now we are confronting with the issues of high personnel expenses and infrastructure estimation and repair costs itself. As well, increasing of “Safe Ratio” concept induces to more cost ups on new construction works everywhere.

To solve the issue of “Antinomy-Improving the Safety and Cost Saving” simultaneously, while considering long time, we are now convinced that after all it is nothing but “Innovation based on the human free will“. Hereby, “Innovation means a epoch-making invention but also improving each manufacturing process of the product in a given shop, while keeping up its quality.

Our “Steel Segment Supervising Team”, which shall be dispatched to our allied overseas shop, had established a specific method to remove “distortion” to get a precise dimension of the product while treating an adaptable welding, as well as to reduce several processes of manufacturing process., i.e., reduce the costs.

Thus, we achieved the cost savings and blush up the quality of the products simultaneously.

Furthermore, we believe that not only our supervising team but also our allied overseas shops engineers and technicians are our “Treasures” for the future. In other words, those members’ knowledge, experiences and know how are valuable assets as the “Heritage” for the future.

To leave such legacies (knowledge and know how) for the future is required how to symbolize or digitalize such “Tacit Knowledge”, which is too huge tasks for us but now start to investigate to do it.

From now, we shall organize all engineers and technicians as a “Platform” or “Business Ecosystem” together with our allied overseas shops to contribute entire Asian civil engineering and infrastructures.

At last, we shall keep proposing of “Cost Savings and High Quality” as our simultaneous mission to entire Asian civil engineering world.



Refer) Keio Univ., Business & Commerce Faculty, Pref., Kikuzawa, Kenshu (2017) “Absurdity of Organization”, Chuo-Bunko.


【Company Idea】

To provide “Cost Savings and High Quality” to Asian Civil Engineering Infrastructure.


【Company Vision】

1. Through human rational innovation, establishing simultaneously of “Cost Savings and High Quality” in Civil Engineering Products & Infrastructure.

2. Organizing of entire Asian Engineers and Technicians as a Platform to contribute to entire Asian Civil Engineering & Infrastructure.

3. Together with our allied business partner, focusing of distribution of knowledge and know how in manufacturing Civil Engineering Products to Asia & World widely.


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